Mike Krueger | Effects Artist

mike@mk-vfx.com mike@mk-vfx.com


updated 2.24.16

Maxscript ffxSpacingTool_v0.12.zip
# Tool for creating FumeFX Grids along a spline shape.
Updated with FumeFX presets options. (needs at least FumeFX 2 to run)

Maxscript ffxSpacingTool_v0.11.zip
# Tool for creating FumeFX Grids along a spline shape.
(works with FumeFX 1)

Maxscript mk_RenderElementRenamer_v0.1.zip
# Find and replace tool for render output & render element filenames

Nuke Python preWrite.zip
# Checks for disabled vector blur nodes with inputs
# also creates write node output directories if non-existent

Create write node output directories if non-existent Nuke Python
import os

for node in nuke.allNodes('Write'):
	infile = node['file'].value()
	dirPath = infile.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
	if not os.path.isdir(dirPath) : os.makedirs(dirPath)

Check if vector blur nodes with inputs are disabled Nuke Python
vbNodes = []
for n in nuke.allNodes('VectorBlur'):
	connections = n.dependencies()
	if connections != [] and n['disable'].value() == True :  vbNodes.append(n)
if vbNodes != [] :
	if nuke.ask('Vector Blur Node(s) Disabled, Enable Node(s) with Connections?'):
		for vb in vbNodes:

Check read node inputs for missing frames Nuke Python
#Returns the names of any read nodes with missing frames

import os

nodes = nuke.allNodes('Read')
missingList = []
for node in nodes:
    fullFile = node['file'].value()
    filePath = fullFile.rsplit('/', 1)[0]+'/'
    filePrefix = fullFile.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].split('%')[0]
    fileRange = node['last'].value()-node['first'].value()+1
    files = []

    for entry in os.listdir(filePath):
        if filePrefix in entry : files.append(entry)

    if len(files) != fileRange : missingList.append(node.name())

if missingList != [] : nuke.message('Read Node(s) Missing Frame(s):'+'\n'+str(sorted(missingList)))
else : print 'No Missing Frames'

Create write nodes for each channel in selected multi-channel read nodes Nuke Python
nodes = nuke.selectedNodes()
for node in nodes:
	if node.Class() == 'Read':
		fullFile = node['file'].value()
		fileDir = fullFile.rsplit('/', 1)[0]+'/'
		file = fullFile.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
		filePrefix = file.split('%')[0]
		fileSuffix = file.split('%')[1]
		filePad = '%'+fileSuffix.split('.')[0]
		fileType = file.split('.')[-1]
		channels = node.channels()
		layers = list(set([channel.split('.')[0] for channel in channels]))
		for layer in layers:
			if layer == 'rgba':
		for layer in layers:
			layerIndex = layers.index(layer)+1
			shuffleNode = nuke.nodes.Shuffle(label=layer, inputs=[node])
			writeNode = nuke.nodes.Write(label=layer, inputs=[node])
			writeNode.setInput(0, shuffleNode)

Find the first and last frame of an image sequence Nuke Python
import os

loFrame = 999999999
hiFrame = 0
fileList = []
searchDir = 'C:/'

for entry in os.listdir(searchDir):
	if os.path.isfile(searchDir+entry) : fileList.append(entry) ; # Add to list if entry is a file
if fileList == [] : loFrame = 0
if not searchDir[-1] == '/' : searchDir += '/'
for entry in os.listdir(searchDir):
	if os.path.isdir(searchDir+entry) : continue
	fA = entry.split('.')
	fB = fA[-2].split('_')
	try : num = int(fB[-1])
	except : continue ; # not a file in a proper frame range
	if num < loFrame : loFrame = num
	if num > hiFrame : hiFrame = num
print loFrame, hiFrame

Find the file structure of an image sequence Nuke Python
import os
Returns the most common filename prefix, sequence separator,
padding, and file extension for the specified folder.
files = []
searchDir = 'C:/'
version = 'v004'

for entry in os.listdir(searchDir):
	if os.path.isfile(searchDir+entry) : files.append(entry) ; # Add to list if entry is a file
common = os.path.commonprefix(files)
if common.endswith(version) :
	filename = common
else :
	if '.' in common :
		filename = common.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
	else : 
		filename = common.rsplit('_', 1)[0]
for entry in reversed(files):
	if common in entry : file = entry ; # Add to list if file contains common filename
f = file.split('.')
fileExt = f[-1]
frNum = f[-2].split('_')[-1]
filePad = '#'*len(frNum)
if len(file.split('.')) == 2 : sep = '_'
else : sep = '.'
print filename, sep, filePad, fileExt

Find sub-folders containing files Nuke Python
import os

searchDir = 'D:/renderoutput/'

folderList = []
for entry in os.listdir(searchDir):
    folders = []
    files = []
	if os.path.isdir(searchDir+entry+'/') : folders.append(entry)
    for contents in folders:
		subFolder = os.listdir(searchDir+contents+'/')
		for index in subFolder:
			if os.path.isfile(searchDir+contents+'/'+index) : files.append(index)
    if files != [] : folderList.append(entry) ; # Add to list if folder contains files

print folderList

Select animated objects MEL Script
string $allObjects[]=`ls` ; 
select -cl; 
    if(`keyframe -q -keyframeCount $allObjects[$i]` != 0) 
    select -tgl $allObjects[$i] ;

Make selected objects matte objects MEL Script
string $MatteArray[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($MatteObj in $MatteArray)
    setAttr ($MatteObj + ".castsShadows") 0;
    setAttr ($MatteObj + ".receiveShadows") 0;
    setAttr ($MatteObj + ".primaryVisibility") 1;
    setAttr ($MatteObj + ".visibleInReflections") 0;
    setAttr ($MatteObj + ".visibleInRefractions") 0;
    setAttr ($MatteObj + ".miFinalGatherCast") 0;
    setAttr ($MatteObj + ".miFinalGatherReceive") 0;

Add custom attributes to selected objects MEL Script
string $addAttributes[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($obj in $addAttributes)
    addAttr -ln "__"  -at "enum" -en "__:"  ($obj);
    setAttr -e-channelBox true ($obj + ".__");
    addAttr -ln "matA" -nn "Material A" ($obj);
    setAttr -e-keyable true ($obj + ".matA");
    addAttr -ln "matB" -nn "Material B" ($obj);
    setAttr -e-keyable true ($obj + ".matB");
    addAttr -ln "matC" -nn "Material C" ($obj);
    setAttr -e-keyable true ($obj + ".matC");
    addAttr -ln "opacity" ($obj);
    setAttr -e-keyable true ($obj + ".opacity");
    addAttr -ln "transparency" ($obj);

Copy material animation keys to custom attributes MEL Script
string $copyKeys[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($obj in $copyKeys)
	string $pasteList[] = `ls -sl`;
	hyperShade -smn;
	string $copyList[] = `ls -sl`;

	select -cl;
	if(`keyframe -attribute colorR -q -keyframeCount $copyList[$i]` != 0)
		copyKey -attribute "colorR" $copyList[$i];
		pasteKey  -attribute "matB" $pasteList[$i];
		copyKey -attribute "colorB" $copyList[$i];
		pasteKey  -attribute "matC" $pasteList[$i];

	select -cl;
	if(`keyframe -attribute transparencyR -q -keyframeCount $copyList[$i]` != 0)
		copyKey -attribute "transparencyR" $copyList[$i];
		pasteKey  -attribute "transparency" $pasteList[$i];
select $obj;

Add Expression To Reverse Material Opacity Value MEL Script
string $expMatA[] = `ls -sl`;

for ($obj in $expMatA)
string $transExp[] = `ls -sl`;

expression -s "matA = (-(matB + matC)) + 1;"  -o $obj -ae 1 ;

	if(`keyframe -attribute transparency -q -keyframeCount $transExp[$i]` > 0)
	expression -s "opacity = -(transparency) + 1;"  -o $obj -ae 1 ;

Assign a unique material to each object in selection MEL Script
//Only works after you've brought up the right mouse menu at least once

string $assignMat[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($obj in $assignMat)
    shadingNode -asShader surfaceShader;
    string $storeMat[] = `ls -sl`;
    for ($mat in $storeMat)
        sets -renderable true -noSurfaceShader true -empty -name ($mat + "SG");
        connectAttr -f ($mat + ".outColor") ($mat + "SG.surfaceShader");
        assignCreatedShader "surfaceShader" "" $mat $obj;
        sets -e -forceElement ($mat + "SG");

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